My name is Robin L. Allweiss. I am an attorney who practices law in the field of Criminal Defense and Personal Injury. I have helped victims of bullying over the years and feel very blessed that I brought those pressing issues to the forefront. I was instrumental in helping to change laws, rules and regulations in various schools and school districts. I have been fortunate to speak at schools and other events regarding the issues of bullying and cyberbullying. I first became passionate about bullying in 2009 and in very early 2011 started focusing my practice to help victims of bullying. In 2015 I realized that even though bullying was still prevalent, the crisis has calmed down due to the persistence of change by the media, attorney's. parents, kids and other wonderful organizations. Schools have instituted programs and counseling programs to help those in need. Although far from perfect I feel content in the job I have done. At this point I am still an advocate for anti bullying but I have moved on to another pressing issue and that is the Electronic Dance Music phenomenon. EDM as the industry calls it, has never been so big and young adults are moving towards it like never before. Festivals are riddled with problems concerning drugs, illegal searches, deaths, injuries and other issues. But I believe for the most part these festivals are wondrous and bring so much positivity to young adults. Music is something I love and have a passion for. EDM is a genre filled with subgenres that allows young adults and kids to be who they want to be through freedom of expressive dancing and feeling. My next goal is to educate readers on their freedoms and rights. I want to thank my readers and advocates for helping me though this journey. No on to the next.
Phone: 727-388-9005
Robin is a current member of the Florida Bar [April 2006] and a current member of the United States Middle District of Florida [Federal Court-May 2011]
Phone: 727-388-9005
Robin is a current member of the Florida Bar [April 2006] and a current member of the United States Middle District of Florida [Federal Court-May 2011]