Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deciphering the Florida Anti Bullying Law PART ONE

We have already discussed what defines bullying, cyberbullying and harassment be means of the of the Florida Public School Anti Bullying Law Florida Statute 1006,147.  So let's fast forward to what the School Districts obligations are under the law: Briefly


1. Public Schools
2. K-12
3. Student/employees

1.  Each school district shall adopt a policy prohibiting bullying a harassment of any student [employee] K-12 [shall meaning is mandated to adopt a policy]

2. The School District shall involve students, parents, teachers, administrators, school staff, school volunteers, community representatives, local law enforcement agencies in the process of adopting polices. [shall meaning is mandated too]

3.  The School District policy must be implemented in a manner that is ongoing throughout the school year and  integrated with the schools curriculum, and school's discipline policies, and other violence prevention efforts.

4.  The School District bullying and harassment policy shall afford students the same protection regardless of their status under the law. [if a student has a different legal status,say for instance the student is in school under an immigration visa - that student is entitled to the same protection of the bullying and harassment laws as other students. Even if student is attending school and parents are illegal aliens, the student still is equally protected as all other students who are legal US citizens/residents] Anotherwords the LAW does not discriminate.!

5.  The School District may establish separate  discrimination policies that include categories of students. [Some School Districts have special gay and lesbian anti bullying provisions in their policies]

Reminder of what defines Bullying:

Bullying: systematically and chronically: inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more people.
Bullying is:
social exclusion
physical violence
sexual, religious and racial harassment
destruction of property

Harassment is the threatening, insulting and dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software or written, verbal or physical conduct against the student.

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