Thursday, April 12, 2018

New Blog Florida Victims Rights

I am in the process of starting a new blog called "Florida Victims Rights". The focus will be on School bullying, Cyberbullying, Sexting, Dating Apps, Sexual Assault, Social Media and other issues. I am expanding to college age students.  Times have changed since my last post which was in 2015. And social media has grown.  Parents cannot rely on law enforcement and the schools to protect their child's interest.  Parents must learn how to advocate in the best interest of their child which was evident of the Parkland shootings. Even though the law states, that the schools act in loco parentis, which means they are to act in place of the parents when your child is in in school, the schools in Florida fail.  Time after time they fail.  And they failed in Parkland and in many other schools across Florida.

There is also a huge problem with drugs in school and the schools are allowing it.  Now let me make the clear.  There are also imperfect parents too.  So parents need to take responsibility for their children's behavior too.  You as a parent need to be aware of the activities your children are participating in. Juul in the classroom, Vaping in the hallways, on the bus, dabbing the wax marijuana and getting high which by the way is Felony in the third degree is just some of the behavior that is going on and parents need to be aware. All of this contributes to bullying and other criminal behavior. I will be discussing all of this on my new blog. In the meantime.  I will keep everyone posted and updated as to when it goes live.  Thanks and hope to see you all soon.

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